Otras actividades de consultoría de gestión empresarial

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Elorrio - Duranguesado (Vizcaya - País Vasco)


Actividades de consultoría de gestión empresarial

Productos y servicios

Consultoría de gestión empresarial.

Otras actividades de consultoría de gestión empresarial
Actividades de las sociedades holding
Otras actividades de consultoría de gestión empresarial
Actividades de las sociedades holding
Business and other management consultancy activities
Activities of holding companies
This company operates as a holding firm engaged in the manufacture of automotive products such as aluminium, carbon / stainless steel and brass components, high precision and safety parts, bar-turning and multispindle cnc machines (ø from 4 to 58 mm), small-scale subassemblies, as well as stamping and folding, grinding and deburring, second operations intransfer machines, and high standard surface finishing and cleanliness as well as camera control inspection.. It was founded in 1992 and has its registered business office located in Elorrio, Spain. It is part of the Teknia Group, with aim in collecting, developing and sharing Teknia know-how and expertise within the Group and its customers. Its main target is to support the success of its customers in the long run through the firm's successful growth. The company also has D&D Centers which concentrate the Group’s know-how and expertise on several products and technologies. The D&D Center will focus on its products following the market regardless of its manufacturing technology and enduring the firm as position as a leader in these strategic products It in the automotive business, the company is specialized in the development of components, assemblies and specific manufacturing processes. In the Technologies business, the main areas are: Technical support engineering and product development. All its manufacturing plants are certificated with ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001, and ISOTS16949s. In addition, the company has an additional office in Guadalajara, Spain and locations in Spain, Brazil, and Poland.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 114438 - ELORRIO (Vizcaya)

Tlf: +34 917812151
Fax: +34 915762721

Web: www.tekniagroup.com